14 research outputs found

    The Four-C Framework for High Capacity Ultra-Low Latency in 5G Networks: A Review

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    Network latency will be a critical performance metric for the Fifth Generation (5G) networks expected to be fully rolled out in 2020 through the IMT-2020 project. The multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) technology is a key enabler for the 5G massive connectivity criterion, especially from the massive densification perspective. Naturally, it appears that 5G MU-MIMO will face a daunting task to achieve an end-to-end 1 ms ultra-low latency budget if traditional network set-ups criteria are strictly adhered to. Moreover, 5G latency will have added dimensions of scalability and flexibility compared to prior existing deployed technologies. The scalability dimension caters for meeting rapid demand as new applications evolve. While flexibility complements the scalability dimension by investigating novel non-stacked protocol architecture. The goal of this review paper is to deploy ultra-low latency reduction framework for 5G communications considering flexibility and scalability. The Four (4) C framework consisting of cost, complexity, cross-layer and computing is hereby analyzed and discussed. The Four (4) C framework discusses several emerging new technologies of software defined network (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV) and fog networking. This review paper will contribute significantly towards the future implementation of flexible and high capacity ultra-low latency 5G communications

    Optimizing Medical IoT Disaster Management with Data Compression

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    In today's technological landscape, the convergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) with various industries showcases the march of progress. This coming together involves combining diverse data streams from different sources and transmitting processed data in real-time. This empowers stakeholders to make quick and informed decisions, especially in areas like smart cities, healthcare, and industrial automation, where efficiency gains are evident. However, with this convergence comes a challenge – the large amount of data generated by IoT devices. This data overload makes processing and transmitting information efficiently a significant hurdle, potentially undermining the benefits of this union. To tackle this issue, we introduce "Beyond Orion," a novel lossless compression method designed to optimize data compression in IoT systems. The algorithm employs advanced techniques such as Lempel Ziv-Welch and Huffman encoding, while also integrating strategies like pipelining, parallelism, and serialization for greater efficiency and lower resource usage. Through rigorous experimentation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of Beyond Orion. The results show impressive data reduction, with up to 99% across various datasets, and compression factors as high as 7694.13. Comparative tests highlight the algorithm's prowess, achieving savings of 72% and compression factor of 3.53. These findings have significant implications. They promise improved data handling, more effective decision-making, and optimized resource allocation across a range of IoT applications. By addressing the challenge of data volume, Beyond Orion emerges as a significant advancement in IoT data management, marking a substantial step towards realizing the full potential of IoT technology

    Analysis of OAM Modes and OFDM Modulation for Outdoor Conditions

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    Signals transporting orbital angular momentum (OAM) have gained significant interest due to their unique structure and capability for increasing the channel capacity. OAM beams are orthogonal and can be multiplexed to increase link capacity in different scenarios. The collective combination of radio OAM modes and OFDM modulations in outdoor conditions has not been extensively explored. This paper depicts an analysis of multiple OAM modes transmitted as narrowband subcarriers using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation  with outdoor free space optical channel measurements based on OAM modes. OAM-OFDM simulations were conducted to investigate the performance of QPSK, 16QAM, and 64QAM baseband modulation and demodulation mechanisms, with code rates ½ and ¾ respectively.  Four outdoor OAM free space optical channel characteristics parameters were applied. The throughput, bit error rate (BER), and packet error rate (PER) were evaluated. The results show that OAM +4 Mode outperforms other OAM modes in terms of BER and PER.  In terms of the throughput, 64 QAM at code rate ¾ outperforms other coding schemes and code rates, for all OAM modes

    Characterization of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene material for a 3D printed microstrip patch antenna

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    3D printing is one of the additive manufacturing technology that has gain popularity for time saving and complex design. This technology increases a degree of flexibility for potential 3D RF applications such as wearable and conformal antennas. This paper demonstrates a circular patch antenna fabricated on 3D printed Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) filament. The main reason of using a 3D printer is that it is accurate, easy to fabricate of a complex geometry and the ability to create new antennas that cannot be made using conventional fabrication techniques. The ABS material has a tangent loss of 0.0051 and the relative permittivity is 2.74. The thickness of the substrate is 1.25 mm. The simulation has been performed using Computer Simulation Technology (CST). The return loss from simulation software is in good match with measurement which is 12.5dB at 2.44GHz. Hence, from the results obtained, the ABS could be used as a substrate for an antenna

    RF parameters characterization of a flexible Cu-PDMS-Cu patch antenna

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    This paper presents a newly developed flexible Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-Copper (CU) patch antenna. The circular-shaped antenna consists of a 21.28mm radial size Cu patch embedded on a PDMS square substrate. PDMS has a low loss tangent of 0.004 and a relative permittivity of 2.74 that will enhance the RF parameters of the flexible antenna. There are three layers of material used to build the antenna. The first and the third layers are made from Cu tape and function as the ground and patch respectively. Meanwhile, the sandwiched layer is the PDMS substrate. However, several limitations of the antenna were observed, including low adhesiveness between layers, which made it impossible to perform metal and dielectric depositions. Thus, a thin layer of PDMS has been built on top of a patch layer to increase the adhesive strength between the copper patch and the PDMS substrate. The paper also discussed the return loss of the antenna with and without sandwich in planar, bending in x-axis and y-axis. The measurements using a vector network analyzer (VNA) demonstrated that the sandwich antenna can resonate at 2.33GHz with a low return loss of 42dB. The work is a proof of the principle that the PDMS substrate can be proposed as a good substrate for antenna in conformal applications

    Characterization of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene for 3D Printed Patch Antenna

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    3D printing is one of the additive manufacturing technology that has gain popularity for time saving and complex design. This technology increases a degree of flexibility for potential 3D RF applications such as wearable and conformal antennas. This paper demonstrates a circular patch antenna fabricated on 3D printed Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) filament. The main reason of using a 3D printer is that it is accurate, easy to fabricate of a complex geometry and the ability to create new antennas that cannot be made using conventional fabrication techniques. The ABS material has a tangent loss of 0.0051 and the relative permittivity is 2.74. The thickness of the substrate is 1.25 mm. The simulation has been performed using Computer Simulation Technology (CST). The return loss from simulation software is in good match with measurement which is 12.5dB at 2.44GHz. Hence, from the results obtained, the ABS could be used as a substrate for an antenna

    Characterization of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene for 3D printed patch antenna

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    3D printing is one of the additive manufacturing technology that has gain popularity for time saving and complex design. This technology increases a degree of flexibility for potential 3D RF applications such as wearable and conformal antennas. This paper demonstrates a circular patch antenna fabricated on 3D printed Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) filament. The main reason of using a 3D printer is that it is accurate, easy to fabricate of a complex geometry and the ability to create new antennas that cannot be made using conventional fabrication techniques. The ABS material has a tangent loss of 0.0051 and the relative permittivity is 2.74. The thickness of the substrate is 1.25 mm. The simulation has been performed using Computer Simulation Technology (CST). The return loss from simulation software is in good match with measurement which is 12.5dB at 2.44GHz. Hence, from the results obtained, the ABS could be used as a substrate for an antenna

    Design of a circular patch antenna for 3D printing

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    This paper proposed an innovative circular patch antenna using the 3D printing technique that resonated at 2.33GHz. The purpose of using 3D printing is a way to reduce cost and time in fabrication of the antenna. By introducing a new material to the subject which is Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) as the substrate of the antenna, the cost can be greatly reduced. Furthermore, a coaxial probe feed is used and it is said to be easy to fabricate, matched and has low spurious radiation. The feeding method that has been used in this research is a coaxial line feeds where the inner conductor of the coax is connected to the patch meanwhile the conductor is connected to the ground. This antenna is designed on an ABS substrate with εr = 3.5. The thickness is said to be 3.25mm. In addition to that, it has the return loss (S11) of -24.487 dB at 2.335GHz. The whole designation of the antenna is by using Computer Simulation Technology (CST) software. The anticipated design of a circular patch antenna can be extended to 3D antenna arrays and therefore, the prototype will become more compact, efficient and robust

    A Review of Seaport Microgrids for Green Maritime Transportation: The Shore and the Seaside

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    Emerging from the field of microgrids is an efficient and persuasive transitional technology with great promise for easing energy crises, environmental worries, and economic limitations in seaports. When it comes to high-performance ports, this technology becomes even more important. One example is smart ports, which use state-of-the-art ICT applications to completely revamp container and vessel management. Strengthening national economic sustainability and global competitiveness are both impacted by this invention. Reducing the environmental impact of the maritime transport business is no easy feat. In this study, we take a look at how seaport microgrids are becoming more important in the quest for environmentally friendly marine transportation. We take a look at the major problems that contemporary seaports are facing, such as the ever-increasing need for energy, the contamination of both the air and water from ship emissions and the unpredictable cost of electricity. The goal is to bring together current information about smarter ports by giving examples and to encourage new ideas and research in this field. As part of our efforts to inspire new research into smart port development, we also outline certain open questions that need answering. This report could serve as a valuable resource for future research on seaport microgrids

    Development of wearable patch antenna for medical application

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    This paper presents the development of a flexible antenna made of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and Copper (Cu) patch. The antenna comprises of Cu tape as the patch and ground plane, PDMS composite as the substrate and SMA connector as the coaxial feed with dimensions of 21.5mm patch radius, 60x60x3 mm3 substrate area and 60x60 mm2 ground plane area. In this study, we also create a PDMS+glass microsphere composite as substitute to the PDMS substrate. The PDMS+glass inclusion reduces PDMS’s relative permittivity and loss tangent to 1.9 and 0.014 respectively which could enhance antenna’s performance. To overcome adhesiveness issue between Cu patch and PDMS substrate, the antenna was encapsulated with another thin layer of PDMS/PDMS+glass substrate of 0.6mm thickness to ensure a constant distance from the ground plane. CST software was used to simulate antenna resonance frequency prior to the fabrication. Measurements using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) showed that the PDMS substrate antennas resonated at 1.92 GHz (without encapsulation) and 2.34 GHz (with encapsulation) while the PDMS+glass substrate antennas resonated at 2.46 GHz (without encapsulation) and 2.25 GHz (with encapsulation) respectively. Here, we also discussed the effect of substrate on return loss. Overall, results obtained from the measurements are in agreement with the simulation results